Thursday, 12 January 2012

A cry of support for Ron Paul.

This is a cry for Liberty and Freedom. A cry of support for Ron Paul.

We can't create the truth. We can only observe it. Our problem is whether we want to look or not.

Bill Hicks said “It’s a choice... between FEAR and LOVE”.

So here’s the choice. You can live a life where you can choose your destiny and reap the rewards of your hard work. Where you can choose the life you want to lead without fear and prejudice....

Or you can have someone else choose it for you.

Get it?

Remember, you have “God Given Rights”. Our laws are based on that premise. We’re all born equal under our creator. Yet it’s a two edged sword. Before God you shall stand, and at the end you shall stand before him alone.

Do you know your Rights? Do you know yourself? Do you know your God?

Or do you live your life being told what your rights are? Who you are? Who your creator is?

Remember - Jacob wrestled the Angel, and the Angel was overcome.

This is a cry from the wilderness for liberty and freedom. This is a cry that is echoed by the millions around the world. In the Arab Spring. In the Occupy Movements. In the Ron Paul Revolution.

The message of Liberty that Ron Paul and his supporters are spreading in America is reverberating around the world. It is the light that the Dream of America once was, rekindled into a roaring blaze, reminding us Globally that there is only one true path to honour your God and to treat each other with respect.


Paid for in full by the blood of our creator.

We must hold sacred the gift of Liberty that our God has bestowed on us. It is the choice of Love. It is the rejection of fear.

And it’s your choice.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The Coming World War - Next Stop Iran

There's a lot of talk these days about the coming war with Iran. Amongst the current Republican field of Presidential candidates, all bar Ron Paul advocate extreme measures of violence and war against a country with a military roughly the size of Kuwait's.

There's a lot of airtime being played about Iran's desire for a nuclear weapon and it's so called obsession to wipe Israel from the pages of history. If we are to see clearly we would have to agree that IRAN DOES WANT A NUCLEAR WEAPON only because WE ARE DRIVING THEM TO WANT ONE. We would also have to admit that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been misquoted when he speaks of wiping Israel off the map, yet Iranian crowds chanting "Death to Israel" in Mosques and the streets of Tehran have not gone unnoticed.

In an honest world we would also have to admit that the Western powers have historically played troublemaker in the region ... toppling democratic regimes such as in Iran in 1953, and installing and often backing brutal dictators or harsh military regimes that let Western Elites exploit their resources, often at the expense of the indigenous people. From The Middle East to South East Asia to South America, the story of the Anglo-American Empire is not a pretty one... and as the Empire has been under threat due to what appears to be internal corruption and strife, what looks like an implosion is actually, on closer inspection, something else all together.

Consider this. The world reserve currency is based on the Petro-Dollar recycling model. All oil is bought in US Dollars only. This means that for Japan to buy the energy it requires, Japan needs to sell vast quantities of products, such as millions of Sony Playstations, to get enough US currency to buy the Oil that it needs. Almost all countries in the world are forced to buy the US dollar. It's been estimated that this system is worth about 5% of the world GDP to the United States. So every year 5% of Global GDP flows back into the financial capital of the Empire, New York, who then cycles this out to it's sister capital, the City Of London, where the value of this money is rehypothecated to mind boggling levels to form the basis of the Shadow Banking System (which also includes all those billions of dollars of drug money, providing the liquidity needed to keep the entire banking system afloat, as well as financing all those black bag/ black operations to keep the wheels of the Empire rolling!).

So what is the biggest threat to the mechanics of this Empire based on black ops and a shadow banking system? Is it a rogue nation with a nuke? Or could it be a direct challenge to the system itself?

The huge weakness with this particular system is that it rests of the foundation of Oil, and the worlds largest reserves of Oil are traditionally found in some pretty unstable or unsavoury parts of the globe. Iraq, Iran, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Venezuela.... the list goes on.

Consider - Saddam Hussein announced in September 11, 2000 that he would no longer just sell his Oil in US dollars, but would be accepting Euros. BAM! Two years later, he's being dug out of a pit and paraded in front of cameras, confused and humiliated, his country conquered; his fate awaiting him at the end of a hangman's noose.

In November 2001 President Chavez passed laws to give his people a fairer share in the Oil resources of his country. By April 2002 Charvez was overthrown in a coup d'état that installed pro western leaders friendly to foreign Oil plans for Venezuela. The New York Times quickly praised the coup d'état by declaring "Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be dictator." However, Charvez survived the Coup, regained power, and has since been a thorn in the side of the Empire ever since. This whole episode with Charvez echoed earlier, more successful US Sponsored Coups in Iran, Guatemala, Vietnam, Panama etc.

John Perkins, a so-called Ecconomic Hitman, lays out a case of how this is done in his book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

Check out this short cartoon based on his experiences

So what's worse, Iran getting it's hands on a nuclear weapon, or Iran threatening the very existence of the US Dollar as the world reserve currency by SELLING OIL IN YUAN, in RUBBLES, or in anything but the Dollar? It only takes one other currency to break the back of the American monopoly in oil, and the whole Petro-Recycling system comes crashing down.

Since the GFC, there's been a lot of talk about what will replace the US dollar as the reserve currency. At first the Euro was put forward ... then the Yuan, even the IMF's special drawing rights has been suggested. Russia, China, Venezuela have all entered into special trade agreements, bypassing the need to use the US dollar. Countries like Germany, Brazil, India and even Saudi Arabia, at one stage, were looking to get in on the action.

But odd events have occurred. A currency war has emerged, with Europe now appearing to be the first casualty of this conflict. The Arab Spring has materialised, and suddenly Qaddafi, who had  foolishly announced recently that he would accept Gold for his extra sweet light crude, ... is now gone. China looks like it's on shaky ground. With contracting growth projections for 2012, as well as what appears to be the start of the collapse of the Chinese Housing Bubble, the Yuan could be in a lot of trouble this year. Internal unrest is something the Chinese Communist Party fears greatly, as a country born of violent revolutions fears the next violent revolution.

So who is left Standing if China falls? The Anglo American Empire. Weakened, poorer but still standing. That's the point. All that's left is to knock out the last spoke in the wheel, Iran. Iran, who is at the centre of the deals between China, Russia, Brazil, Venezuela ... an economic block which could grow and replace the current status quo.

World War 3 may come, but this is a winnable war when you have the world's largest and most technologically advanced military at your fingertips. The United States, NATO, Israel, Australia, South Korea, etc vs Iran, possibly China and Russia. Dangerous and frightening but in terms of sheer might, the Empire dwarfs its opponents.

There is, of course, another strategy. Just keep the fear of war, the rumour of war going. Keep the beast, the Military Industrial Complex fed. But with expected citizen riots projected in Europe and the United States, such as the "Occupy" movement, till 2015, this would be a risky strategy. Also, if there is a change of leadership to the American Presidency, say a Ron Paul type of politician not beholden to the Military industrial complex, this could put at risk the entire economic basis for the whole enterprise if a fundamental shift in policy occurs, one which Ron Paul has already put in motion by questioning the American Federal Reserve, the Belly of the Military Industrial Complex Beast. (Of course, the last time this occurred was with John F. Kennedy, and that attempt to end the monopoly and power of the Fed ended abruptly with a not-so-nice car ride in Dallas ).

Barring a miracle, war is coming in 2012.

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Report: Israel using Saudi air base

Pretty much sums up the stink in the Middle East. Feel like you're being had?

2012 Presidential Candidates as you've never seen them before

The Fear and Loathing from the 2012 campaign trail got you down yet?

Time to take a break and have a few chuckles courtesy of the folks at BLR (Bad Lip Reading)

Ron Paul 

Herman Cain
Mitt Romney
Rick Perry
Michelle Bachmann
Barack Obama


Did Santorum sell America out?

There's a lot of talk coming from the Santorum camp that their candidate is a true fiscal and social conservative. A recent article from the Washington Post exposes another side to the would be president. You can see this article here

Ron Paul right AGAIN.

Looks like Ron Paul is right yet again.

Check out this outstanding article written by the Atlantic Here

I'm sure eventually the rest of America will catch up with Ron Paul and his supporters.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Charlie Veitch now says 911 is an Inside Job - again

Looks like Charlie has changed his mind again on the "911 was an inside job thing"... again.

Charlie now states that it WAS an inside job, but not one that involved the government putting explosives into the WTC buildings.

Back in late june 2011 Charlie shocked the conspiracy world by announcing that he no longer had any emotional attachment to 911 Conspioracy theories (See below clip)

This had come about from his participation with a BBC production 9/11:Conspiracy Roadtrip

After years of of campaigning for "The Truth" to come out regarding the attack of the WTC buildings, including organising an event with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Charlie shocked the conspiracy world by stating that the collapse of the twin towers and building 7, as well as the attack on the Pentagon, all had perfectly rational, scientific explanations to their violent destructions.

What followed was a very public breakup with his GF Silkie, and a sustained torrent of hate as the Conspiracy World turned on one of their own. Suddenly, one of the 9/11's coolest activists had become Satan incarnate.

Check out Max Igan vs Charlie in the below clip

as well as Charlie vs Luke Rudkowski (Is charlie smoking a joint?)

Does charlie have a right to express his opinion? Sure. But as Charlie has discovered, doing such a dramatic U-Turn on the community that regarded him as an icon can have dire consequences. The "9/11 was an Inside Job" crowd are a very passionate bunch, and if you are a perceived leader in the movement you better have you shit straightened out before you make public announcements.

For all intents and purposes I like Charlie and I support his search for "Truth" in his own way. As someone who has been waking up in such a public way his journey has been fascinating to watch... he's come a long way from bull horning the public and the police on the streets. It's easy for the "Awake" to spread the hate... but isn't that what we're fighting against?

The coming class war

Can you live on $7 a hour?
Here's an excellent clip that's well worth watching in regards to who serves you and supports the lifestyle you have.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012


Says it all, really...

Can You trust CNN????

Above is an old debate featuring Wolf Blitzer and Dr Norman Finkelstein, the latter the star of the excellent documentary "American Radical".  Poor old Wolf has been copping it very unsweet recently, with his highly unorthodox behaviour as a "Journalist" now being questioned.

The Wolfman's show is at the centre of some very dodgy and highly biased treatment claims against a certain Dr. RON PAUL,  and we here at CC, with the help of Youtube, thought it might be interesting to point out some pants pounding highlights of the Wolfman in action.

In case you missed it, Wolfman screened a heavily redacted (some would say highly dishonest) interview conducted by CNN's Gloria Borger ... ,

Here's the unedited version ...

Of course, whilst other news shows outside of FOX may have felt a twinge of embarrassment, it didn't stop the Wolfman himself following up with this outstanding example of journalistic integrity and honesty ...

Well, it takes guts to insult the intelligence of the general public again, and again, and again, eh Wolf?

Keep them rolling Wolf ... I especially like how you treated this American Soldier below ...


Looks like CNN is at it again. This time with Dana Bash (born Dana Ruth Schwartz; June 15, 1971). The reporter who was interviewing the American soldier above before it ended with "technical difficulties", has now been targeted for alleged BIAS, with a Ron Paul Super PAC wanting CNN to punch her ticket out from covering the campaign. Regardless, CNN is once again at the centre of biased media claims.

Check out these videos below.

So... Do you still trust CNN?

Does CNN care anymore that it's starting to look like the MINISTRY OF INFORMATION?

You decide ...

SANTORUM is a "family values" guy? WARNING - will make you sick to the stomach.

Some stories are just plain nasty. Then there are stories that just make you SICK TO THE STOMACH. This here is one of those stories, and it's about to break BIG TIME ...

The Real Reason Ron Paul will not receive the GOP Nomination. Period

Something is rotten in the state of Iowa, and pretty much the whole GOP voting process.
Check out this gem regarding what's happening behind the scenes.

Nice to see how democracy works in the "Land of the Free" ....

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Was the GOP IOWA vote a fraud?

Check out Mike Rivero from a few days out ...

Was Ron Paul Robbed?

Santorum next in the line of fire?

Over the past few weeks we've been served with all manner of Republicans attacking one another. Whether it's Gingrich and his repeated womanising or Ron Paul's Racist Newsletters, one thing is clear ... if you're leading the GOP pack you are going to get whacked by your fellow candidates!

Ricks starts rolling with his take on welfare ... did he really mean to say "Blacks"????

Iowa Turns Purple as Surging Santorum comes from behind!

Who would have thunk it? Santorum surges from behind and gives Romney a spray!

Click here to see the desolation!
Santorum's Purple Patch