Wednesday 4 January 2012

Can You trust CNN????

Above is an old debate featuring Wolf Blitzer and Dr Norman Finkelstein, the latter the star of the excellent documentary "American Radical".  Poor old Wolf has been copping it very unsweet recently, with his highly unorthodox behaviour as a "Journalist" now being questioned.

The Wolfman's show is at the centre of some very dodgy and highly biased treatment claims against a certain Dr. RON PAUL,  and we here at CC, with the help of Youtube, thought it might be interesting to point out some pants pounding highlights of the Wolfman in action.

In case you missed it, Wolfman screened a heavily redacted (some would say highly dishonest) interview conducted by CNN's Gloria Borger ... ,

Here's the unedited version ...

Of course, whilst other news shows outside of FOX may have felt a twinge of embarrassment, it didn't stop the Wolfman himself following up with this outstanding example of journalistic integrity and honesty ...

Well, it takes guts to insult the intelligence of the general public again, and again, and again, eh Wolf?

Keep them rolling Wolf ... I especially like how you treated this American Soldier below ...


Looks like CNN is at it again. This time with Dana Bash (born Dana Ruth Schwartz; June 15, 1971). The reporter who was interviewing the American soldier above before it ended with "technical difficulties", has now been targeted for alleged BIAS, with a Ron Paul Super PAC wanting CNN to punch her ticket out from covering the campaign. Regardless, CNN is once again at the centre of biased media claims.

Check out these videos below.

So... Do you still trust CNN?

1 comment:

  1. Still trust CNN? I never did. Same with the rest of them.
