Thursday 5 January 2012

Charlie Veitch now says 911 is an Inside Job - again

Looks like Charlie has changed his mind again on the "911 was an inside job thing"... again.

Charlie now states that it WAS an inside job, but not one that involved the government putting explosives into the WTC buildings.

Back in late june 2011 Charlie shocked the conspiracy world by announcing that he no longer had any emotional attachment to 911 Conspioracy theories (See below clip)

This had come about from his participation with a BBC production 9/11:Conspiracy Roadtrip

After years of of campaigning for "The Truth" to come out regarding the attack of the WTC buildings, including organising an event with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Charlie shocked the conspiracy world by stating that the collapse of the twin towers and building 7, as well as the attack on the Pentagon, all had perfectly rational, scientific explanations to their violent destructions.

What followed was a very public breakup with his GF Silkie, and a sustained torrent of hate as the Conspiracy World turned on one of their own. Suddenly, one of the 9/11's coolest activists had become Satan incarnate.

Check out Max Igan vs Charlie in the below clip

as well as Charlie vs Luke Rudkowski (Is charlie smoking a joint?)

Does charlie have a right to express his opinion? Sure. But as Charlie has discovered, doing such a dramatic U-Turn on the community that regarded him as an icon can have dire consequences. The "9/11 was an Inside Job" crowd are a very passionate bunch, and if you are a perceived leader in the movement you better have you shit straightened out before you make public announcements.

For all intents and purposes I like Charlie and I support his search for "Truth" in his own way. As someone who has been waking up in such a public way his journey has been fascinating to watch... he's come a long way from bull horning the public and the police on the streets. It's easy for the "Awake" to spread the hate... but isn't that what we're fighting against?

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